Hi There!
I attempted to start writing this section in 3rd person text, but decided it was just too stuffy and formal and really not my style. Here’s the real me from my own mouth...errr...fingers.
My name? Crystal Henning.
My location? Rancho Palos Verdes in the South Bay area of Southern California - born and raised around here and never leaving if I have my way.
My passions? My sons (Caydan and Avery), life and its many wonders, my faith, macaroni and cheese, smiley faces, and yes - photography.
Why am I a photographer? The answer comes from some of my most treasured posessions - photos of my late son, Avery James. He passed away at the age of 2 in July 2006...my photos of him are worth more than spoken words could describe. I strive to make sure EVERYONE has quality photos of their loved ones. Memories that you’re proud to display in your home. I often have price specials to ensure that everyone can afford these photos as well. Photos should be an essential in life, not a luxury.
Fun facts? Hmmm...I like junk food, a lot...I’m a bit Disney obsessed and typically a season pass holder for D-Land, I spend way too much time on Facebook doing absolutely nothing, I like to explore new places and cities, and I’m an awesome coupon and free-stuff finder...it’s like a hidden talent.